Basic Essential Oil Terminology

Basic Essential Oil Terminology 

Aromatherapy The practice of using natural aromatic substances, including Essential Oils, for their physical and psychological therapeutic benefits. 

Botanical Name Latin name given to plants, fungi, and algae on an international scientific classification system.  

Carrier Oil An oil used for diluting an Essential Oil prior to use 

Common Name A plants every day name 

Dilution Taking an Essential Oil and diluting at a specific ratio 

Food Grade Edible Essential Oil considered safe by the FDA 

Fragrance Aroma. Fragrances are synthetic and not considered Essential Oils 

Herbal Pertaining to plants 

Insoluble Substances that are not capable of being dissolved in liquid 

Neat Undiluted Essential Oils that do not need to be diluted and can be applied directly to the skin due to its low chemistry 

Pendant A necklace that you wear all day that you can add Essential Oils to 

Rectification Re distilling certain oils to rid them of undesirable constituents  

 Single Oil Essential Oils that come from only one plant species  

Soluble Substances capable of dissolving in liquid  

Synergistic blend Combination of Essential Oils that offer more benefits then the same Essential Oil applied singly 

Synthetic Unnatural substances or substances created in a lab  

Volatile Unstable substance that evaporate easily  
